We have zero-tolerance of prejudice, inequality or discrimination
The same is true for the responsible, ethically focused companies who use our platform looking for your skills, motivation and potential.
In a modern, forwarding-thinking workplace there is zero-tolerance of prejudice, inequality or discrimination and at Setyourworth.com we believe anonymity is the first step to equal opportunity.
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Companies using our service are agreeing to your salary based on suitability alone, nothing else. Nothing else matters.
Only after an interested employer has accepted and your consent to discuss the role with them has been granted will they be able to learn more about you and organise an interview.
To them, you are defined by your potential.
Check out our FAQs for more information.
We’re proud that our business keeps these important topics at the forefront of peoples minds, helping to reduce inequality and discrimination.
To learn more click on one of the links below: